Rockfish Games
Everspace 2: Stellar Edition (PS5)
403 kr.
403 kr.
Tors., 30 jan. - tirs., 4 feb.
Sikker betaling
30 dages åbent køb
Experience a thrilling sci-fi story following Adam, a clone pilot seeking his place in the universe. The events of his past tangle with clashing factions as the DMZ approaches a boiling point. Escape colonial capture, navigate the intrigues of local warlords, evade energy-maddened cultists, and fend off war-hungry aliens.
Adam will need more than wits, luck, and skill to survive—gather a team of experts to achieve his payday and finally achieve his dream of escaping the DMZ. Meet old friends and new allies, each with their own stories to tell. They will join you during missions, provide upgradable perks, unlock new abilities, and aid your path forward.
EVERSPACE™ 2: Stellar Edition is a retail-exclusive limited edition that features the base game, SteelBook case, 64-page mini art book, and digital original soundtrack.
EMBARK ON AN EXCITING JOURNEY: Discover alien species, unveil mysteries, find hidden treasures, and defend your cargo against outlaw gangs in an exciting 30-hour campaign. Completionists can dive deep into the EVERSPACE universe and spend more than 90 hours to complete every side mission, finish every challenge, and discover every hidden secret.
LET THE LASERS DO THE TALKING: Annihilate your foes the EVERSPACE way. Dodge, dash, roll, and boost guns blazing into frantic dogfights, leaving a trail of space scrap behind. Use a wide range of weaponry and abilities to defeat drones, fighters, heavy bombers, and powerful gunships. But don’t get cocky! Massive capital vessels and ancient guardians will push the skills of even the most experienced pilots. Use your environment to your advantage, and gain the upper hand against greater numbers.
EXPLORE THE GALAXY: Enter the EVERSPACE universe and explore it at your leisure. The DMZ and surrounding areas of Cluster 34 are brimming with main and side missions, activities, events, and secrets to be uncovered. Fire up your hyperdrive to discover more than 100 unique, handcrafted locations spread across seven distinct star systems and shape your legacy among the stars.
HAVE IT YOUR WAY: Expand your private ship collection from a virtually endless supply of fighters composed of unique classes to optimize your build to perfection. For a price, traders throughout the cluster will help you acquire improved models or send your current ship off for storage as you try a new ship type. Cleverly combine modules, weapons, devices, and perks to fit your individual playstyle and the current mission.
SEEK OUT SECRETS: Clever pilots are successful pilots. Loot outlaw caches, salvageable wrecks, and ancient hidden treasures scattered throughout every explorable area of the DMZ. Search structures, solve puzzles, blow up asteroids, and restore ruins to hunt down every one of these treasures.
EPIC LOOT AWAITS: Hunt for improved gear to expand your arsenal of powerful equipment combinations. Look for loot that fits your playstyle, but be willing to leave your comfort zone and try something new. Be ready to find and exploit synergistic effects between equipment, perks, devices, and ships to fully maximize their potential.
LET THE HUNT BEGIN: Completing EVERSPACE 2’s extensive campaign is not the end! Engage in high-octane endgame High-Risk Areas and Ancient Rifts that allow you to push your build and luck to the limit against progressively harder enemies. Succeed in a run to acquire legendary gear that holds immense power and extraordinary abilities.
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Rockfish Games
Everspace 2: Stellar Edition (PS5)
403 kr.
403 kr.
Tors., 30 jan. - tirs., 4 feb.
Sikker betaling
30 dages åbent køb
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